Now, in the barren and deadly Mojave Wasteland, you are a courier.

Average-locked grenade box with leveled loot, along with 2 stimpaks, 10mm SMG, or 9mm rounds: Upstairs in the adjacent building.3 Jet doses: In the toilet bowl in the bathroom of the aforementioned building.¡La Fantoma!: Lower floor, same building, behind a chair and a mattress.combat knife: Behind the aforementioned bookshelf.True Police Stories, spiked knuckles: Top floor bookshelf of the ruined building to the southeast of the hideout.Dealing with the situation is essential to resolving They Went That-a-Way and Boulder City Showdown. Jessup is located inside the hideout, while his hostages, privates Ackerman and Gilbert, are located in the back room in the adjacent building.

To the southeast lie ruined buildings with mattresses inside and minor loot upstairs. Just inside are three NCR soldiers keeping tabs on the Great Khans holed up at the Great Khan hideout in the derelict convenience store to the west. Monroe, the ruins are a stretch of devastated ruins, surrounding a central crossroads.

Accessed from the northeastern corner, by a barricaded door and an improvised command post set up by Lt.